Friday, February 29, 2008

He Speaks!

So Gabriel has suddenly become easier to understand. "Dog" is still his favorite word, but now he sits with every book he owns around him and carefully turns every page, scanning relentlessly for a dog. When he finds one he points and says "dog, bow wow". He knows about nine or ten animal sounds and a whole slew of words. (editors note: My favorite animal sound is when he throws his hand above his head and says, "Wooo!". That's an elephant. Can you picture it? Try it.) Now before you think I'm writing this to show how smart my son is, his cousin Corbin was talking earlier than this, as was I. So no, Gabe is not a genius...ok so it's too early to tell, but he'll probably be gifted at best. Why? Well last night he did something for the first time. He spoke his first sentence. A feat alone not remarkable, see Corbin comment. However, he did so in proper English.

My first sentence was "Her likes it". While the genius there was that my first sentence was a lie to get out of trouble for petting the cat "too hard" and pulling her tail, pronouns and tenses tend to escape toddlers. (editors note: yeah, so it really should have been my parents first warning sign that this was my first sentence. Like they couldn't see a career in politics, law, or PR in my future. Plus you have to pet your animals hard enough that they feel it...ya know, so they KNOW you love them.) So my son walks to my wife and says,

"Daddy did it."

She repeats it, he says, "Yes."

I repeat it. He replies, "Yes. Daddy did it."

Subject. Predicate. Receiver.

A declarative sentence in proper tense.

Fricking Genius.

Ok, not really, but we are super excited none the less. The kid makes the most expressive faces I've ever seen...I can't wait to find out what he's been thinking.

Oh, and if you're wondering...We have no idea what it is that I did.


the buurstra's said...

Oh, we know what you did alright.

the buurstra's said...

Has he said, or done, anything else recently?? From the lack of blog posts I'm guessing not.


The Telmans said...

Any new picures to post? I think I have forgotten what he looks like.

L-Town Rollers said...

Sorry folks. Home computer crapped out and hold on to your chairs, I've actually been busy at work! Apple couldn't fix our computer so they're giving us a brand new one!! It's at the computer store having all of our info from the old puter put on the new one so we should have it today. More on that when I get it in my little paws.