Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gabe's Internal Thoughts Leak Out

More to follow.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Cheaper Than Last Year's Christmas Card

I was more feeling left out than wanting to play, but since Julie linked me, here we go.

Here are the rules of the game
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

1. Somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind I wanted to name my son Gabriel so when he is Secretary of State or President (whichever God has chosen for him) and is dealing with the Middle East they are more apt to listen to him. For those who never took comparative religion, Gabriel (Uriel) brought the Koran to Mohammad and will be the bringer of peace.

2. I have HOURS and HOURS of Christmas music on my laptop. 15 hours, 3 minutes and 29 seconds of Christmas music. I secretly start listening to it in June. Most of it is non traditional and my favorite right now is: That Was the Worst Christmas Ever! by Sufjan Stevens. Google it...seriously. He's from the Traverse City area and you can download it free and legal HERE.

3. I'm adopted. Not once, but twice. I was adopted at birth but back then you had to spend a few weeks in foster care. My name was Troy. When I went home with my mom I was Jeffrey David Eisenlord. After my mom married my dad I got to pick out a new middle name and was adopted by my dad. That's how I became, Jeffrey John.

4. When I tell people I have a sister in high school they always ask, "how did you get your job at such a young age?" Because you know, that's not rude. I often respond, "Because I'm so good looking". Hey, they started it. I then explain that my sister is 12 years younger than I am. Then they ask how many siblings I have and I say one. At this point they just stare blankly at me, mouth breathing. Peasants.

5. If I could make lots of money chasing storms I would pack the car up today. Tornadoes, flooding, ice storms, blizzards or just a really bad thunderstorm, I love to be out in them. I think they're gorgeous. While I'm driving around all different situations run through my head about what I would do if I came across someone in trouble in certain situations. Most involve dialing 911, but I guess wanting to be a weather man or search and rescue paramedic never really got out of my system.

6. I once lived with a guy in college who's first name was Manmeat. True story. He was from Malaysia and we found out he was an ecstasy dealer. When I worked in Congress I put him on a terrorist watch list just for fun.

7. Finally!! I can give you two thumbs up...with my toes. I can bend my toes while leaving the big toe straight. Not exactly sure how I came across this talent, but we all have to be good at something.

I will only link to Sarah, but if any of you want to do this I'll link to you if you let me know.

And if President doesn't work out for Gabe at least he's got a head start in robbing banks.
But who wouldn't vote for this face?

Monday, December 03, 2007