Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Gabe Wants To Do 24/7

So Gabe wakes up wanting to color and have a pop tart. Every morning. With. Out. Fail.

"Ummm?" Uttered when picking out a new color.

I think Gabe and George have the same hair cut.


Making faces.

Your face will freeze like that.

Getting fancy.

Yes, I realize to the casual observer it looks like we only own one shirt for our son, but it has a baseball on it. He walks up to everyone, pulls the bottom of his shirt out and says "BASEBALL". He only wears it like twice a month. I swear.

Full Speed.


Here is Gabe doing Tai Chi. The daycare is real big on forming a well rounded child and they've been working on this for 5 months. They learn 2 positions every month. I sometimes find him practicing in his bed when I go to wake him up in the morning.

Or he could be dropping leaves to see what happens. You decide.

Well, it's been 80 and sunny here for the past 10 days and it looks like that will be the case for another week, so I'm sure we'll get some more pics soon. It's just too nice not too.

Pictures of Ike will be up asap after his arrival, so put a reminder on your calendar to check back here at 2pmish on 10.06.