Monday, January 14, 2008


I know he's cute and all, but you people are pretty impatient!

And now what you really came to see... Pictures from AZ.We hiked up this mountain on our afternoon off. We were going to just drive up to an observation point and look around. Instead we hiked a few miles. I came well equipped and wore dress shoes.


Anonymous said...

You own something other than dress shoes?

L-Town Rollers said...

I own a pair of tennis shoes, but ruined them remodeling. Time for a new pair.

the buurstra's said...

very cute little munchkin.

how 'bout more funny jeff stories...

the buurstra's said...

i know i didnt have to comment, i wanted to. i've been meaning to and just havent.

anyways, kurt paying you a i cant wait for the postings!!

have fun! when you guys comin here next? we need to make sure we'll be in town!

the buurstra's said...

hey-random question:

can someone be your friend on facebook if they dont request it?

i have a new friend (someone i know) but i never got a request. i just thought it was odd.