Thursday, April 06, 2006

Whirlwind Tour

Grandma Black and Aunt Megan (my mother and sister) came to town last weekend and shopping ensued. Seriously, I couldn't hardly keep up.

They came to town on the train, which is new for our family. They seemed to enjoy it, but if given the chance I think they would fly. Unfortunately the mass exodus of Michigan, otherwise known as spring break, was in full swing. What this means is two things:

1. You will see 747's at the GR airport. The only other time you see this is Christmas or the President is in town.

2. If you want to be on said planes, you must make plans at least 6 months in advance or pay $700 per ticket. For $1400 I'd fly firstclass and leave the offspring at home.

Now they could've circumvented the 747's and driven to Chicago or Detroit, but what they would've paid for in gas and parking could've bought their train tickets. So, being of fine Dutch stock my mother booked the train. This peeked my interest. For less than one plane ticket they could've had their own private firstclass cabin. If they had reported the food on the train to be good, I probably would have found a new favorite way to travel. But alas, the food was not good, the people at the ticket counter were rude, and looked as though they were bitter airline stewardess rejects. The fellow passengers looked a bit surly as well.

Will I ever ride the rails? Maybe. Flying will probably remain my preferred mode of travel. I wonder if you can have pets on the train. Might be worth looking into.

El Prego Diablo is doing better this week. Motivation seems to be a challenge, but she has moments of energy. I think she's worn out from the weekend. Oh, and the new couch arrived. Finally, we can retire the lawn chair.

Alli the super puppy (El diablo de perrito) has taken to hiding under the bed when she sees I'm almost ready for work, or it's time to go to bed. She usually gets right in, but spent a lot of time alone this weekend while we made our effort to support the economy. I bought two shirts and a whole new weekend outfit...I can't let the terrorists win.

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