On the job front, Sarah has started free-lancing fulltime for a company called Ensignal. They sell Verizon and Dish Network stuff. She does all of their in-store signage and newspaper ads. I’m not sure how many stores they have, but they’re in five states. I also don’t know that “free-lance” is the right word since she works a 40-hour week out of their office, but what do I know? That's what they're calling it anyway.
Anyway, I started teaching at the refinery just in time to get a second interview with the El Dorado Chamber, an offer from Wal-Mart (yes, you read that right), and an offer from Green Lantern Carwash (I know this all sounds strange, but for what they pay assistant managers I'd wash the damn cars myself…with my tongue…in track shorts if necessary). When it rains, it pours.
I’m really hoping for the Chamber thing to work out. It’s for the Executive Vice President slot, so it would put me well on my way in the Chamber industry. El Dorado is where Sarah and I took the Michigan folks when they came out to see us. There’s a good recap here: ryanandkarat.blogspot.com.
Gabe is amazing. He’s crawling all over the place, pulling up to furniture and walking along it, got his first hair cut and is saying Mama, Baba, and still looks at Ali and yells Ahhh…EEE. And Ali comes. He has started to go to daycare and he doesn’t seem to mind it. He goes to an at-home provider that Hunter (Amy and David’s little girl) goes to.
For those of you who know me maybe a little too well, the answer is yes…I’m listening to Christmas music right now. I know…it’s a sickness.